Normally a friend request sent within Facebook
- This one comes up time and time again. Where you recieve a friend request on Facebook from someone that is already a friend.
- This is a fairly easy one for scammers who can replicate/ create a complete profile that looks the same as an existing person.
- If you accept the request they can eventually gain your trust and send you links to potentially malicious software. Which installs on your computer and then they have access to your machine and information on it.
- Do not accept or click on this request
- Contact the person / family or friend via phone or email to ask if they sent this request?
- If you clicked on the link, change your password!
- Most people have ‘wised’ up to this scam now but some still get caught out.
- Normally Facebook messages/ posts are sent from that victims contacts to alert that the account has been hacked.
- It’s also good etiquette for you to contact your contacts alerting them that yes your account has hacked but you have rectified the issue.