February 7, 2025 9:35 am

Booking My Services

Hi there! Just a quick note to let you know that I run a ‘non-drop in’ business, which means I kindly ask that you give me a heads-up before visiting or dropping off your equipment. This helps me ensure that I can give your job the time and attention it deserves. Thanks very much for your assistance, and please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.








277 – Overheating

The core temperature of the CPU was found to be at a high 98% On further visual investigations by removal of the side panels. It could be seen that the CPU cooling fan heatsink was completely blocked by debris. This will not allow and heat from the CPU to be drawn away from it. It […]

274 Laptop Data Recovery and Erase Hard Drive

Issue/ Fault Laptop not powering up, require data from the internal drive Symptoms When plugged into the power supply there is no power.  Actions Laptop is under warranty and is to be returned to Vendor for a replacement. Customer requires the data from the internal drive. The internal drive needs to be erased too.       […]

1428 Desktop Intermittant Restarts

A customer of many years called to report that their important desktop was intermittantly restarting. An intermittant fault is always the hardest to try and diagnose and pin down the cause or faulty components or components. Sometimes the best way is to request that it is monitored until it becomes more consistent. They big danger […]

1411 Custom Vinyl Decals for Triumph Daytona

I love playing with different graphics and media. When designing websites I often have to reproduce the Business logo of a customer and sometimes they want a vinyl logo graphic or wording for their vehicle. In truth I have ‘decaled’ a few motorcycles over the years. See a blank canvas turning into something a bit […]

1423 Printer Colour Issues

Called to assist with a new printer not producing good photographs. The finished prints on 4×6 glossy papers had a feint yellow overlay with vertical bars. This really had negative effect on the finished product. Previous support people had been called prior to myself, so really into the thick of it, halfway through. https://www.cambridgeincolour.com/tutorials/color-space-conversion.htm I […]

1422 File server build

Eastern Hills Computer Repairs - EHCR - 1422 - o - File server build - Canning Vale - banner

Requested to build a bespoke file server to store company documents. This Server is built from the ground up from new parts procurred from the EHCR supplier. This will be linked the the companies Sharepoint documetns library via the Sharepoint onedrive sync app so documents are available locally in their office and available remotely from […]

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