1428 Desktop Intermittant Restarts
A customer of many years called to report that their important desktop was intermittantly restarting. An intermittant fault is always the hardest to try and diagnose and pin down the cause or faulty components or components. Sometimes the best way is to request that it is monitored until it becomes more consistent. They big danger […]
Business Card Design
A side line from my tech support business is graphic design. This customer required their business card redesigned to a more ‘popping’ look, whilst retaining the inportant information their new customers require. Lou makes excellent wooden products and is West Australian owned and run. Their website for further information is here. The website was also […]
Safari Issues
Recieved a call from customer that had been struggling for two days trying to make a governement online appear on their internet browser ‘Safari’ I was able to fit this into my last call of the day. There is a well known issue with Safari and this type of site/ document. Installed Google Chrome. Setup […]
Chidlow and Emails
Call out to fix up some email issues and give the computer a general once over. The Telstra support was great and made it a smooth process to get this customers emails back on online. Performed some email houskeeping reducing the mailbox size so emails could be sent and received again. Using Outlook’s own export […]
Afternoon with the Roos in Hovea
A Fairly busy day with the morning spending small business support then the afternoon around the hills starting at Chidlow ending at Hovea. Soo many Roo’s, awesome, reminds you of what country you’re in 🙂